Tuesday, August 16, 2016

The Two-Handed Weapon Update!

This is something else I should have added a long time ago ;): Two-Handers:
So far, there are two. The second is being held above by a character.

This is a club. It's the favored weapon of an ogre. Heavy-hitting, but slow.

This is a greatsword, the most heavy-hitting weapon in the game. With a base damage of 10, this bad boy can easily one-shot a skeleton or a goblin.
Just to display its epicness, here it is being wielded by a Human Paladin:
You can all look forward to one-shotting baddies with this thing; it's really fun :).

Speaking of baddies, the Skeleton Sorcerer is another new addition:
This dude can shoot fireballs from his staff. In addition to that, he's a little tougher than the Goblin Archer.

I also updated the look of the regular skeleton. Tell me what you think:
This was the old design (in this case, in the form of the boss monster Becicen the Demented):

Anyway, I will see you all in the next update!

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