Saturday, August 13, 2016

Boss Monster Update

Hello again!

I added something really neat to the game today: level bosses.

Boss Monsters are essentially like a regular monster, but their physical size is doubled, as well as all of their ability scores -- they're twice as fast, strong, and tough as a regular goon. They also have cool names and titles.

Here are a few bosses:
 This is Cabonorag the Cruel, a giant slime.
 Here he is fighting an ill-equipped human paladin with a javelin.
 This is Becicen the Demented, a skeleton boss.
And above you'll see Beabmet the Cruel, a giant ogre. He does a staggering 15 damage per hit, enough to one-shot an unarmored paladin.

Eventually, the different levels will have goals -- find this item, beat this boss, clear the level completely of monsters, etc. These sumo-sized monsters will obviously be integrated into that.

Until the next update!

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