Monday, August 15, 2016

The Chest Update!

Originally, I was going to implement chests shortly after I started working on this project, but it's ended up being something I've put off. Now, I've finally added them... Chests!

Remember those old brown things standing around uselessly in the dungeon taking up space?
Yeah, those things.

Now, they actually have a use.

Weaker items spawn around the dungeon level just lying around on the floor. The more powerful items (poisoned arrows, longswords, most armor, etc.) are all found in chests. When a player collides with a chest and presses "e" (or whatever button on a controller), the chest opens. One of two things then happen:
  1. The chest drops its item and the adventurers get to use it. Yay!
  2. The chest sets of a trap and then drop its item. Eh or oh crud...
If a character succeeds on a Dexterity check, they aren't hit by the trap. This is relatively easy for characters like the rogue:
However, low-dex characters like the paladin will frequently be hit by such traps:
If the character in question fails the check, they are poisoned. Later, there might be a variety of traps. We'll see.

What this means in terms of gameplay is that players have to be more deliberate in their decision-making. To have good chances of survival, characters need good gear. However, a trapped chest could potentially cause a character's demise. This puts them at an impasse, making things a little more engaging. It also allows the rogue to contribute more because he can collect items from trapped chests with more success than other characters can.

Anyway, until the next update!

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