Sunday, August 7, 2016

Hello again!

Just so y'all know, Gen Con was a flipping blast. Now, we're back to game dev ;).

Firstly, some ranged weapons (like the bow) now require ammunition. A bow can take any kind of arrow as ammunition:

Also, take note of the fact that the currently equipped ammo is now displayed in the character's off hand.

Naturally, when items are consumable, a lot of them have to be gathered to fuel their consumer. This led me to make the quickslots able to contain multiple items. Not only that, but different items have different stacking limits. Here, my rogue picks up two arrows and the result of his actions is seen below; there's a little white number next to the arrow icon that increases in value:

And, since I found that not being able to switch back to my fists after my bow was out of arrows was really annoying in the middle of a fight, I added the feature that an empty slot can be selected to "equip" the character's bare hands:

See you all in the next update :).

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