Saturday, October 29, 2016

Barrell Rolls and Visible Health

The player can now barrel roll past zombies using the "S" key:

Also, the player's health is now actually visible!
The sprite I'm using is temporary :).

Friday, October 28, 2016

Friends Break the Game :)

Sometimes as a game developer, you want your program to work, so you don't really ask the difficult questions.

For example, "can the player walk on a zombie and use it as a surf board to avoid all other attacks?"

That's what friends are for :)

They see me rollin', they hatin'...

The zombies on the left have learned from watching him 0_0

Finally, the pinnacle of the zombie surfhoard...

Happy Halloween, Everyone!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Ammo Update!

In this update I added weapon uses/ammunition. Each weapon now has its own special number of uses, which are spent each time the player uses the weapon. This requires play to be slightly more strategic on the part of the player and give melee weapons a bit more of an edge as they (usually) don't have finite uses.

I know UI screenshots are boring, but here's one anyway :).

Until the next update!

Sunday, October 23, 2016


Here's a screenshot from a prototype for a zombie shooter I'm making:
I've been very busy recently, so I haven't had a lot of time to make games, but this is a manageable project. Hopefully we'll be playing it soon!

Make my day and follow me on Twitter!

Check out my game, Loot the Dungeon!

Until next time ;)!